Sober living

What is an alcoholic? How to treat alcoholism

By Buddy TBuddy T is a writer and founding member of the Online Al-Anon Outreach Committee with decades of experience writing about alcoholism. Because he is a member of a support group that stresses the importance of anonymity at the public level, he does not use his photograph or his real name on this website. Natural consequences may mean that you refuse to spend any time with the person dependent on alcohol. If family members try to “help” by covering up for their drinking and making excuses for them, they are playing right into their loved one’s denial game. Dealing with the problem openly and honestly is the best approach.

The three basic steps of urge surfing:

  1. It’s important to have sober friends who will support your recovery.
  2. Medications also can deter drinking during times when individuals may be at greater risk of relapse (e.g., divorce, death of a family member).
  3. It’s often a reality that grows more concerning with every downed glass.
  4. Combined with treatment led by health professionals, mutual-support groups can offer a valuable added layer of support.

Being close to someone addicted to alcohol can bring an immense amount of stress into your life. A lot of emotions — frustration, sadness, bitterness and more — may whirl through your mind. Take the assessment and get matched with a professional, licensed therapist. Expose your teen alcohol effects in the brain to healthy hobbies and activities, such as team sports, Scouts, and after-school clubs to discourage alcohol use. Remain calm when confronting your teen, and only do so when everyone is sober. Explain your concerns and make it clear that your worry comes from a place of love.

Overcoming Alcohol Addiction

Depending on the type of dependency, PAWS can last from six months to two years after you stop using drugs or alcohol. Other tests can indicate whether there is damage to the liver, or — in males lsd toxicity — reduced testosterone levels. Both of these might indicate chronic alcohol consumption. The criteria include having a pattern of consumption that leads to considerable impairment or distress.

NIAAA Resources

Many individuals with alcohol addiction need assistance, but numerous people with the disease do not believe they have a problem. You can help convince someone to seek treatment for alcoholism in a variety of ways. Alcohol addiction has devastating health consequences. The disease causes severe damage to multiple vital organs, including the brain, heart and liver.

The impact of alcohol addiction on children

If a health worker suspect alcohol may be a problem, they may ask a series of questions. If the patient answers in a certain way, the doctor may then use a standardized questionnaire to find out more. If you’re having difficulty sticking to your goal or just want some extra guidance, consider reaching out for professional support. Feeling at your best physically can boost resilience and emotional strength, equipping you to weather challenges that trigger the desire to drink. Letting others know about your choice to stop drinking may help motivate you to stick with your decision.

When you spend time together, try to suggest activities that don’t involve alcohol. Residential treatment or “rehab” facilities provide intensive treatment for alcohol abuse or addiction. Your loved one resides at a special facility for 30 to 90 days and receives treatments such as detox, therapy, and medication. When seeking professional help, it is important that you feel respected and understood and that you have a feeling of trust that this person, group, or organization can help you. Remember, though, that relationships with doctors, therapists, and other health professionals can take time to develop. Behavioral treatments are aimed at changing drinking behavior through counseling.

If a person is worried that someone they know has alcohol use disorder (AUD), there are ways in which they can provide support. Alcohol use disorder, formerly known as alcoholism, is an addiction to alcohol. Someone with the condition is unable to stop or control their alcohol use. Navigator focuses on evidence-based alcohol treatment, telling you what you need to know about AUD and treatment options, and helping you find the right treatment for you—and near you. Coping with someone addicted to alcohol isn’t easy. It can test your patience and shatter your feelings.

Keep a record of your drinking to help you reach your goal. For 3 to 4 weeks, write down every time you have a drink and how much you drink. Reviewing the results, you awareness of alcohols link to cancer lagging nci may be surprised at your weekly drinking habits. Make a table like the one below, weighing the costs and benefits of drinking to the costs and benefits of quitting.

In these instances, the steps in this section may still be useful. It might also be useful to contact a healthcare professional who specializes in addiction. They may be able to provide guidance on the best ways to approach someone with AUD. The help and support from partners, relatives, and friends are invaluable to a person with AUD. However, it is crucial that an individual with AUD receives professional medical help, as well.

The key difference between AUD and these behaviors is that AUD is an addiction. This means someone with AUD is mentally and physically dependent on alcohol. We also explore how to approach and support someone with AUD, and offer self-care advice for people recovering from AUD. This online tool is designed to help consumers find quality treatment for alcohol use disorder (AUD). It’s often a reality that grows more concerning with every downed glass.

Family and friends can provide encouragement and support when you stop drinking. By opening up about your relationship with alcohol, you might also encourage others to explore their own drinking habits. Say you don’t have any cravings when you go without drinking. All the same, “a quick drink” often turns into three or four drinks.

Has helped more than two million alcoholics stop drinking. Recovery works through one alcoholic sharing their experience with another. You can create a telehealth care team by combining a therapist with an addiction doctor for medications support.

You can help your loved one find healthier ways to reduce their stress level by encouraging them to exercise, confide in others, meditate, or adopt other relaxation practices. The best treatment option for your loved one depends largely on the depth of their drinking problem, the stability of their living situation, and any other health issues they may be facing. Inpatient facilities tend to be more intensive and costly. Your healthcare provider can help you evaluate the pros and cons of each. Certain medications have been shown to effectively help people stop or reduce their drinking and avoid relapse.

Drinks labels also contain information on the percentage of alcohol a drink contains – this is known as ‘alcohol by volume’ or ABV. Learn that you have choices and that you can maintain control. If any area of your life is out of control, it will not help you maintain lasting sobriety. Although these new activities are healthy and productive, they can be a stumbling block to lasting recovery if they become a transfer addiction to fill the void left by the original addiction.

Alcoholism, now known as alcohol use disorder, is a condition in which a person has a desire or physical need to consume alcohol. Terms like “alcoholic” and “alcoholism” are increasingly seen as an unhelpful and negative labels. Crystal Raypole has previously worked as a writer and editor for GoodTherapy. Her fields of interest include Asian languages and literature, Japanese translation, cooking, natural sciences, sex positivity, and mental health. In particular, she’s committed to helping decrease stigma around mental health issues. By avoiding alcohol, you’re taking a big step toward improving physical health.…

Новости Криптовалют

Знакомство с криптовалютами, ZEC

zcash что это

Некоторые представители криптопространства утверждают, что их система сфальсифицирована в свою пользу из-за относительно высокой 20-процентной платы основателя, встроенной в кодирование. Однако сторонники Zcash всегда быстро защищали компанию, указывая на присущие другим системам недостатки, такие как отсутствие конфиденциальности Биткоина. Это руководство предоставит вам всю необходимую информацию о проекте и направит вас на путь к самому простому торговому опыту.

Zcash: конфиденциальная криптовалюта

Zk-SNARK — это новый тип криптографии с нулевым уровнем знаний. Zk-SNARK представляет собой непрозрачный не реактивный аргумент знания Zero-Knowledge. Это конструкция доказательства, которая позволяет системе доказать, что она обладает информацией (в данном случае секретным ключом), без фактического ее отображения. Он также не требует взаимодействия между верификатором и проверкой.

Роджер Вер: как торговец взрывчаткой стал Биткоин-Иисусом – Мінфін

Роджер Вер: как торговец взрывчаткой стал Биткоин-Иисусом.

Posted: Fri, 14 Jul 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Что Такое ZCash? Подробный Обзор Криптовалюты

  • В модели конфиденциальности Биткоина транзакции пользователя доступны для публичного просмотра, но их личность — нет.
  • Такой же механизм поддерживает ценность и других популярных криптовалют.
  • Пользователи могут выбирать, когда имеет смысл использовать полную конфиденциальность, а когда следует провести открытую транзакцию.
  • Если майнинг не является вашим специализированным навыком или вы не хотите заниматься им, вы всегда можете купить Zcash на бирже криптовалют.
  • Они обратились к известному криптографу Зуко Уилкокс-О’Хирну с просьбой возглавить разработку новой монеты и наняли других ученых, включая Эли Бен-Сассуна и Алессандро Кьезу.

В конце 2016 года сам факт появления такой криптовалюты привлек к себе много внимания. Прежде чем покупать криптовалюту, надо сравнить курсы, так как условия различаются. Криптовалюта создана для совершения быстрых и безопасных платежей с сохранением полной конфиденциальности данных. При майнинге меньше нагружаются видеокарты, что обеспечивает низкое энергопотребление.

zcash что это

Как выбрать для себя лучшую криптобиржу?

Несколько стран (например, Пакистан и Македония) запретили всю деятельность, связанную с криптовалютой, а Япония даже предприняла некоторые относительно конкретные действия против анонимных монет. В 2018 году его Агентство финансовой безопасности объявило о запрете Monero, Zcash и других анонимных криптовалют, сославшись на незаконную деятельность. Однако важно отметить, что Zcash выдержал разногласия, значительно восстановившись в последние годы. На данный момент перспективы Zcash кажутся относительно стабильными. Однако на него может негативно повлиять конкуренция с другими криптовалютами, ориентированными на конфиденциальность.

zcash что это

Обновление 2023: Циркулирующая сумма коинов ZCash настоящее время составляет 9,960,781.

Они доступны в виде бесплатных приложений как для смартфонов, так и для настольных компьютеров. Вы можете выбрать кастодиальные кошельки, где поставщик услуг управляет вашими личными ключами и создает их резервные копии. В качестве альтернативы существуют кошельки, не связанные с хранением, где закрытые ключи надежно хранятся на вашем устройстве. Несмотря на удобство, программные кошельки не обеспечивают такого же уровня безопасности, как аппаратные, что делает их более подходящими для новичков или для хранения небольших количеств ZEC.

Курсы криптовалют

Если такие гиганты как Китай займутся легализацией криптобизнеса, то монеты вроде Zcash, Monero, DASH и другие приватные криптовалюты, однозначно будут запрещены. Инвесторам остаётся надеяться только на то, что монеты разрешат использовать в более либеральных и свободных государствах. Уилкокс-О’Хирн остается генеральным директором Electric Coin Company, в которой работает около 30 сотрудников и которая руководит развитием Zcash.

Стоит ли покупать криптовалюту Zcash в 2024 году

  • Нынешняя награда для майнеров за блок составляет 12.5 ZEC, но в октябре 2020 она сократится вдвое до 6.25 ZEC.
  • Этот механизм обеспечивает не только рост сети Zcash, но также ее постоянную безопасность и прозрачность.
  • ZEC, безусловно, является одной из самых выгодных монет для майнинга.
  • Прозрачность, являющаяся частью технологии блокчейн, становится выбором пользователя.
  • С Plisio транзакции с участием ZEC или его обмен на другие криптовалюты выполняются быстро и просто.

Zcash был основан в 2016 году шифропанком, экспертом по компьютерной безопасности и предпринимателем Зуко Уилкокс-О’Хирном (Zooko Wilcox-O’Hearn). Он также является основателем коммерческой компании Electronic Coin Company (ECC), которая управляет развитием Zcash. Модель финансирования проекта отличается от «честного запуска», премайна и ICO. Личные интересы – финансы, трейдинг, криптовалюты и инвестирование.

Для тех, кто ценит удобство криптовалют, таких как биткойн, но хотел бы получить дополнительную конфиденциальность, Zcash предлагает отличную альтернативу. Поскольку он предоставляет все те же функции, что и биткойн, с возможностью экранированных адресов, его можно легко использовать аналогичным образом, не жертвуя конфиденциальностью пользователей. Использование инновационных технологий также показывает, что эти методы расширяются, и Zcash растет в популярности.

Загрузка данных…


How Do Payroll Deductions Work? Employer Services Insights

payroll expenses

And because our taxes can be a bit confusing at times, it’s easy to get lost figuring out what you owe and how and when to pay it. Once other people are involved, though, there’s more riding on a smooth and timely payroll process, plus other factors (like paid time off and benefits) enter the mix. So when you start hiring employees other than yourself, it’s a good idea to formalize and automate a payroll system that can handle all of that. Now that you have an estimated amount, research the market and figure out the cost of acquiring payroll software instead. Keep in mind set up fees and subscription costs may vary depending on the size of your business and the number of employees you have. Keep in mind that withholding taxes may vary depending on an employee’s situation and the laws governing a specific country.

payroll expenses

Pay it off with a debt consolidation loan

As the most common type of payroll, it falls into the wages and salaries category and includes overtime, bonuses and commissions. Paid holidays, meals, uniforms, housing etc., can be considered as payroll your potential payroll expenses. As a small business owner, you may have wondered how employer payroll contributions work and the regulations surrounding them. The Canadian Pension Plan and Employment Insurance program have their own rates that employers must contribute. Accurate recordkeeping can protect your business in the event of an audit.

  • To calculate payroll, identify employee wages, complete essential paperwork, calculate gross pay and deductions, set up charts of accounts and pay taxes.
  • This simple guide for small business owners explains all the payroll accounting basics and show you how to correctly add paydays to your books.
  • So, if clients pay with a check or credit card, accrual accounting allows business owners to record the amount as money in.
  • These are both less frequent, but they do come up, so it’s important to understand what they include and why your business may use them.
  • Once you’ve finished entering your journal entries, you should review them for accuracy before officially posting to the general ledger – many systems won’t let you reverse the entry.
  • Use payroll software to generate a payroll-liability balance report each time you process payroll.

Related AccountingTools Courses

Payroll processing is complex, and you may find it difficult to stay on top of the process. It’s particularly important to track your payroll liabilities and to submit payments on time. When you have accounting services for startups unpaid wages or withhold amounts from payroll, you’re creating payroll liabilities. Payroll4Free lets you pay both employees and contractors, and processes all year-end forms such as W-2s and 1099s.

payroll expenses

Breaking Down Employer Payroll Costs

Federal income tax falls under withholding taxes—meaning it comes entirely out of your employees’ wages. It’s also important to note whether you’ve incorporated your business (or if you’re taxed as an S corporation). If this is the case, you’re considered an employee of the business in the eyes of IRS—which means you need to pay payroll taxes on your own salary. Despite the big part taxes play in payroll, they’re often one of the last things business owners think about.

Paid time off (PTO)

payroll expenses

For more information, check out our ultimate guide on payroll management. Payroll ScheduleDecide how often employees will receive payment based on their hours worked, job title and services rendered. The most common types of payroll schedules are weekly, biweekly, semimonthly (15th or 30th of each month) and monthly. Because these deductions are related to your payroll tax liability, it’s important to ensure that you consistently withhold the correct amounts when you run payroll. If you neglect to withhold these deductions, you’re responsible for the error, and failure to comply with the law can lead to fines and penalties.

How to calculate payroll expenses

Most payroll software and third-party payroll services can handle benefit deductions and tax withholding for you, but it’s best to have a working understanding just in case. When you hire hourly workers, you set an hourly rate, and their pay is simply the rate times how many hours they worked during that pay period. If you choose to pay hourly, it’s important to ensure your chosen rate complies with all federal and state minimum wage requirements. The reality is that paying employees and contractors is about a lot more than just setting wages and handing out paychecks every two weeks. In fact, just figuring out whether your current workers are employees or contractors (and which kind of worker is best for your business) is one of the first and most important parts of managing payroll. How you calculate payroll taxes will depend on your business and your local laws.

As a business owner, you can avoid manual errors by setting up payroll tools that automate most calculations to reduce the energy wasted on cumbersome tasks and save hours. With these in mind, one may wonder if a manual process is still the best way to approach payroll. For Employment Insurance contributions, an employer must match 1.4 times the amount deducted from the employee’s wage. For example, if the amount deducted from the employee’s salary is $16.30, then the employer must contribute $22.82. The amount of money deducted from the employee’s wage is calculated at $1.63 for every $100 earned – with a maximum insurable earning of $61,500 in 2023. The employer and employee must only contribute up to that maximum amount for the year.…